Sunday, March 18, 2012


I must have been 6 years old when my mother brought me to the dentist for the first time. At this point, the man leaves his drills and needles at home, it is just to get used to The Mood.

The only thing I remember, is that I went into a somewhat sterile looking, smelling and sounding environment, in the company of my brother and sisters who seemed to be already used to The Mood, as they were all nervous. And there were goldfishes.

On each and every subsequent visit to the dentist, my mother showed me a pond that could be seen from the waiting room: "Look! They have goldfishes! That's nice, isn't it!" And with each visit, I got more and more used to The Mood.

Forty years later, I have grown into and gotten over a panical fear for The Mood. I am wearing dentures now, and have learnt to relax into The Mood. One thing has never changed: whenever I see a goldfish, I think of the dentist.

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